In 2014—for the first time since 1999—Rod Decker missed the Bible Faculty Summit. Though we rejoice at his home-going, we will miss his influence at the BFS. Rod could always be counted on to present a thoughtful paper as well as provide some trenchant interaction with the work of others. Two papers were presented at the 2014 Summit in his honor.
- Mark McGinniss, Associate Professor of Old Testament Literature, Languages, and Exegesis, Baptist Bible Seminary, Clark’s Summit, PA read Rod’s final paper: “Self-Defense and the Christian.”
- Jon Pratt, Academic Dean and Professor of New Testament at Central Baptist Theological Seminary of Minneapolis, MN, reminded us of Rod’s academic contribution with a lengthy annotated bibliography of his work.
Before his death, Rod wrote a stirring essay, “The Courage to Die.”
Dr. Decker’s website is still available and is still rich with excellent resources for New Testament studies. Dr. Rod Decker has made a lasting impact for the kingdom of God through his faithful, humble scholarship.